Englisch für ErzieherInnen und Tagesmütter – Fachsprache für Fachkräfte
Wie heißt eine Schürfwunde auf Englisch? Wie erklärt man auf Englisch das Thema Eingewöhnung nach dem Berliner Modell einer Mama, die glaubt, nach einem Tag kann das Kind schon sechs Stunden alleine bleiben? Wie vermittelt man einfühlsam auf Englisch einem Papa, dass...
Parenting in German(y) – here to help!
Am I a parenting expert who has all the answers? No---like you, I regularly feel like I'm on the steepest "learning by doing" learning curve of my life! But am I bilingual (English / German), a QEKK-trained course leader, a parent of two children, and do I have a...
Daddy & Me – why a mum is running a course for dads
At the groups I run, I have met many lovely parents. And as is often the case at groups aimed at parents of babies and toddlers, most people who attend are mums. But I have also got to know some dads who are the primary carer for their baby/toddler. Sometimes this is...
International Breakfast – more than just good food…!
Once a month, I run an "International Breakfast" at the Familientreff in Oberursel. This is the same place I run a lot of my courses, and it is somewhere I got to know and came to love when my own children were babies. It is a not-for-profit organisation run...
Me time on your “baby break”?!
Germans sometimes refer to maternity / paternity leave as a "baby break" (Babypause), implying that what you are doing during this time is more relaxing than work. I think anyone who has ever been on parental leave will agree that this is in no way the case! I am not...
Activities in English for parents and children
Do you live in Germany but aren’t German? Are you torn between wanting to integrate in your new community, but feeling the language barrier is still too high for you to actively join and enjoy baby or toddler activities in German? Do you simply want to be in...
Why do I believe so strongly in mum & baby groups?
Having a baby – especially if it’s your first – is a momentous event that changes your life beyond belief. I’ve never met new parents (me and my husband included!) who weren’t surprised by the impact their new addition had on their lives as they previously knew them....
Loving languages and sharing that love
As you may have guessed, I love languages. We were lucky enough to spend a few days in Italy over Easter. The excitement I felt when I finally got to use my Italian again was huge, and that is exactly the feeling I hope the school children in my High Flyers English...
Fasching…what’s all the fuss about?
The “fifth season” is well and truly upon us. But what is it? What is Karneval / Fastnacht / Fasching, and is it something that those who haven’t grown up here can enjoy, too? Well, I’d say a resounding YES to the second question – I came here in my early twenties and...
Monday Funday – English for primary school children gets the thumbs up all round
The first block of my "High Flyers - English for Children" courses in Kronberg-Oberhöchstadt is coming to an end. Time to review how it's gone. After eight weeks, I would sum it up as follows: All the children had fun and learned a lot. I also had fun and learned a...